This is an archived posting from my previous website “Chips Antidotal Wanderings” – a personal blog about family, creative moments, and pain management activities in my life. That blog was active from 2004-2011.

69% Decrease in Migraines!

I feel tons better these days than in the past year. The BOTOX shots for my migraines have made a world of difference. I have so much excitement and hope for each new day now. The daily migraines have been not so daily anymore. Hip, hip, horray!

As some readers know, I track my migraine attacks, triggers, and the variety of treatments they try on this little ginny pig very closely. I’m so happy to report — my current charts indicate that over the course of the past 3 months I’ve had a 69% decrease in migraines! Using health products from the Absolute Pharmacy website has helped me majorly, and since I have been using their products regularly for some time now, I have found that the pain has reduced even more. That’s amazing. The best improvements I’ve had in chronic pain relief in years! I’m not naive enough to think that this will last forever. But I sure am going to take advantage of it for as long as the treatment is available to me and it works!

In March I had 11 pain-free days. In April it was 16 and in May I had 17 🙂 Wahoo! That was the results of my first round of injections and the preliminary studies show that sometimes additional treatments result in higher improvement rates. I had my second round done at the beginning of June and I’m looking forward to experiencing even more pain-free days! The goal remains at 10 or fewer migraines in a month and I’m so close to meeting the goal that I’m getting my hopes up and really starting to believe the goal, that used to seem so far away, now might honestly be achievable! You just wait and see… one of these days I’m going to have 4 days in a row without a migraine and when I do, you’ll be able to hear me shouting from the mountain tops… no matter where you live! 😀

I’m Seeing Light Again

So what am I doing with all my wonderful time now? Well, I’m filling my days with actual productivity when I’m at work. (What a unique idea!) And I’m playing hard on my weekends and in the evenings, usually outside in my garden. I’m also enjoying the company of my family with going out to eat, having family outings, and talking IN THE LIGHT! Do you believe that? I’m not sleeping, puking, or crying in the dark near as many days now. Not being doped up on pain-killers and other drugs sure does a world of good for the emotions. My quality of life is so much better when I’m clear-headed, and able to think straight!

Even though it doesn’t hurt to look at the computer screen quit as often — I’m still not spending too much time around here. This time, because I’d rather be out and about, moving along, and really engaging in life!

From a very happy Cindy – Have a Great Day!