This is an archived posting from my previous website “Chips Antidotal Wanderings” – a personal blog about family, creative moments, and pain management activities in my life. That blog was active from 2004-2011.

Just a quick update for folks who may be curious.

I mentioned to you earlier in the month that we were trying to make arrangements for me to have Botox shots while I was in the D.C. area. Hoping this would help relieve a big portion of my migraine pain. Well that didn’t work out. I wasn’t able to get in for care.  I did manage to get through the TDY using a fair amount of EFT tappingEFT=Emotional Freedom Technique; a self-applied alternative medicine therapy .

Still not giving up on the BOTOX option yet though.  Now we are trying to have the Botox ordered from my local base pharmacy and then me take it to my downtown doctor for the injections.

Still don’t know if insurance will cover it this way or not. If pharmacy doesn’t play along it will cost us $1,500 – $1,800 for the procedure. And if it works for me, then we’ll repeat every 3 months or so. If pharmacy plays along, it lowers the cost substantially.

Either way, we’ve decided to go forward with the procedure. I feel that I must find out if this is going to help. If it doesn’t we’ve taken another one-step back. But if it does… that’s two-steps forward! We’re sure hoping we’ll move forward this time!!!!

I’ll let you know more as we know it.

