This is an archived posting from my previous website “Chips Antidotal Wanderings” – a personal blog about family, creative moments, and pain management activities in my life. That blog was active from 2004-2011.

Taking out this year with cleaning up some old photos. Restoration projects can sometimes be such a challenge. But this one wasn’t so bad.

This is a photo of M-I-L and it was water-stained and sun-bleached. I wasn’t sure I’d get that cleaned up so well. But in the end I didn’t even have to work that part of the photo at all! I used PSE4 for this particular project. Below is the scrappy LO I created with the finished photo.

Not my favorite layout by far. I’m not even happy with out it turned out. But really I’m tired of working on it. So it stays as is, until I feel like looking at it again. The cluster just doesn’t fall right for me.

Credits: Used elements that I made, a few goodies pulled out of the SADS Heritage kit from the “Digital Scrapbooking Place” and a thing or two from the “As Time Goes By” kit by Gail (northsky) of ScrappyDooBooking.

Thanks for Looking
