This is an archived posting from my previous website “Chips Antidotal Wanderings” – a personal blog about family, creative moments, and pain management activities in my life. That blog was active from 2004-2011.

I finally played in my studio again for a while.  Wasn’t near long enough, but at least enough time to create a set of four Artist Trading Cards. Here’s a couple of them from the set.  They are headed to Montana and to Texas to our granddaughters.

The flowers are some that I dried this summer out of my yard. Hope the little ladies will like them.

And here’s a birthday card I made for our niece too.  She turned 8 this week.

I made this one and other similar cards using some artistamps I created a long while ago from a set of vintage photos.

Happy Birthday Michelle-y.

Uncle Greg and Cindy are thinking about you!

