
This is an archived posting from my previous website “Chips Antidotal Wanderings” – a personal blog about family, creative moments, and pain management activities in my life. That blog was active from 2004-2011.

Wahoo – The Shots Are Working!

Since I had my BOTOX shot treatments my migraine attacks have been less chronic and less painful! They seem to be more manageable too. I didn’t see any improvement in March, but so far this month the number of pain-filled days have been fewer. I’ve had none that spun out of control, and the others that I’ve had went away quicker after taking my Triptans.

I was even able to manage a couple with nothing more than creativity therapy.  How cool is that?!  I’m so thrilled that we have found something that offers this much relief for me.  I’m curious as to how long this relief will last and am hopeful things will continue to get better with each treatment.  It’s still an experimental treatment, but they say I may see additional benefits with each treatment.

Side Affects – NOT!

So far I’ve not seen any negative side affects.  Although – my forehead seems to be sort of frozen in place.  For example I think I’m moving my eyebrows – hubby says they aren’t really moving.  So a bit of facial disturbance has been the only noticeable side affect thus far.  One that honestly I do not mind at all.  A perfectly worthy trade off if you as me.  😀 A non wrinkly forehead is not a bad thing in my opinion.  And it’s not enough of a difference in my facial expressions to cause any misconceptions in communication exchanges.

Journaling About Pain & Relief

I’ve also done quite a few journal pages about pain and pain relief lately, but just haven’t had time to take pictures and update my blog. I’ll get to it eventually! 😉

So that’s my little update for now.  I’ll continue to let you know how this lab rat experience goes.  Thus far it’s been way better than many of the other experiments this ginny pig has been through!

