This is an archived posting from my previous website “Chips Antidotal Wanderings” – a personal blog about family, creative moments, and pain management activities in my life. That blog was active from 2004-2011.

Happy 2006 to YOU!

I hope that your 2006 has started off well and wish you many pain-free happy days throughout the year!  Mine has gotten off to a bit of a rocky start, however I know it will get better and better as the year moves forward!

A Slow Start to the New Year

Well the first day of the new year really wasn’t all that too good! I had a migraine episode that spun out of control. The entire day was spent on pain management. Creative Visioning Creating in your mind visions for relaxation, personal change, pain relief, and many other wonderful things. kept me going during the wakeful moments.

While it’s not my favorite choice, pharmaceutical therapy was also needed this go around. And as much as I hate the side affects of the drugs I have to admit that I was thankful they kept me asleep a good part of the day as the pain levels were severe.My doctor told me that I could easily get hooked on that medicine and I should be careful otherwise I would end up at Medical Insurance Treatment Center (which, by the way I saw has great amenities)    Water therapy I use primarily 2 forms of water therapy: drinking a ton of water and taking hot showers. Both provide pain relief for me! 🙂came in handy off and on as well. It was a tough one, but we weathered through it. So when I woke up this morning and the migraine had finally gone away I decided to make this the first day of my new year instead of yesterday. If the Rose Bowl parade can be held off until the 2nd, I figured I could wait and start my new year a day late also. LOL

Movie Switch-a-Roo

Today was much, much better! After we all watched the parade, Jacky Chou and I spent the day reviewing home video as we transferred many of our VHS clips to DVD. Our Boo joined us for much of the day. It was fun watching the videos with our house being built and all the work we did in finishing the basement. And of course watching our 4-legged critters from their puppy years gave us some giggles too. We all enjoyed the walk down memory lane! Sure wish Our Bug could have been here to share watching all the changes in our children as they celebrated each birthday, Easter, Christmas, and just watching them grow up through our video movies.  She would have had a good time laughing along with us.  I noticed that as they grew up, I grew outward. Saaaay what?!  LOL

I’ll catch you all later.  Have a great week!

Hugs from,
